About that same time (beginning of July 2017), I found an ad on Seattle Craigslist for what the seller called a '1957 Trailer', with no mention of manufacturer. My first impression was of underwhelming street appeal with the brownish stripe and painted windows, but that it had a nice hammy shape, great curved cabinets and yellow stove. On the other hand, the significant water damage at the roof vent and rear window made the asking price pretty optimistic. Photos from the original Craigslist ad My plan was to keep it in mind, but let it sit for a couple of weeks in the hopes that the seller might be more realistic afterwards. Meanwhile, not much else within a reasonable distance was coming on the market. There was an Oasis and a Dalton in California that had potential, but that's a heckuva drive on a gamble. Ten days later, the ad for the mystery trailer had rolled off (I'd saved it, just in case). I texted the seller and eventually...
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