It's been a busy six months since the last post, and much has happened. I replaced all of the skirts and sills and reframed a goodly portion of the curb side. I ditched the generic whitewood I'd ripped for this previously (most of which I ended up recycling as bracing), and bought a load of poplar instead. Much, much stiffer, nice stuff. In the name of overkill I even cut the wheel openings from solid slabs of 8/4 poplar, rather than the random nailed-together chunks of 3/4" fir the factory used. Kreg screwed together, it adds a huge amount of rigidity to the whole wall. There was some sidewall damage from a stress crack in the skin near the door- that's a false back in the tall cabinet that a PO put in to conceal the damage, yuck. You can see where I've cut back the floor to give access to replace the rotten sills (all of them). I left the cabinets in as along as possible in order to provide support to the walls while cutting out the rot. ...
Better Living through Overengineering!