A weekend at a time, I've managed to get the bulk of the skin off, including the roof. The good news is that the very first corner I uncovered had by far the most damage, and nearly everything else has been some kind of pleasant surprise. Even the roof framing around the vent, which had the most visible damage, is fairly solid (of course, it's gotta come out anyway to replace the damaged plywood). On the not-so-good front, there's some fairly heavy damage concealed by the tall cabinet, both at the top and the back (covered up by a PO), which explains the odd hole I'd uncovered in the door side wall earlier. I'll likely need to pull the tall cabinet in order to fix it properly, which means I'll likely end up removing the rest of the cabinets, too, in favor of sheet marmoleum rather than tile. Ah, well, what's a little scope creep, anyway? I was also treated to a hail of hardened putty patches when I removed the roof skin (continuous...
Better Living through Overengineering!