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Showing posts from September 5, 2017

Part 3: Getting started- Off comes the paint, and the one (and likely only) pre-teardown camping trip

Overthinking things as usual, I reasoned that, while I'd normally save cosmetics for last, it made sense to strip the paint from the aluminum skin prior to disassembly. The stripper would undoubtedly attack the new putty tape if I waited until after reassembly, and chasing loose skin around a shop floor sounded like zero fun. Unfortunately, I had to choose between stripping in my driveway (blistering direct sun and breezy, this time of year) or inside our rented storage space (no water). I'd planned on using aviation stripper, which is generally water-neutralized (that is, I'd have to hose it off), but given the weather, fear for my enviro-credentials, and fear of invoking the wrath of my fellow enviro-neighbors, I finally decided to do it inside the storage space, which means no bad fumes, and no water rinse. I bought a test jug of Citristrip, an environmentally-safe stripper which per conventional wisdom generally does the job, has no bad smells, neutralizes with odorless...